Anvils and Stumps


Anvil Types


There are many sizes and shapes of Anvils.

 They range in size from tiny to several hundred pounds.

Most modern Anvils have a horn and heel. 

Some have neither!


Emerson 150


  This is an Emerson 150# anvil.

It is what most people see in their minds when an anvil is mentioned.



The Heel is on the left side and the Horn is on the right. 

The Larger rectangular space is called the Face. 

The smaller rectangle is the Shelf.

 Emerson Anvil Top

The small round hole is called the Pritchel.  The Larger Square one is the Hardy hole. 

Emerson Side               Emerson end

The location of the Waist and Feet are pretty obvious.

    This is a Plate Anvil on a stacked 'Stump'

Plate Anvil       Plate Anvil 2

On the left is an anvil made from a piece of Railroad track.

RR Anvil 


A Tree Stump anvil stand.

Tree stump Anvil